Tantra healing massage

A "tantric healing massage" is a form of massage that combines principles from tantric philosophy with therapeutic techniques to promote holistic healing and well-being. This type of massage aims to address not only the physical body, but also the emotional, energetic and spiritual aspects of a person. (No yoni or lingam is included with this session)

Price: €180 - 1.5h

Mystic Touch

If you think you have experienced all the tantric healings, and want just that little bit more... Then I can tell you that this experience goes much further, in a search for your sensual experience. This session is a journey, an experience, a unique experience, of a very different level than you have ever experienced.

Price: €300 - 2 hours

Sensual Touch Massage

Would you like to experience unparalleled sensual touch for once? This session embodies your sacred sexual energy through this Sensual Touch Massage. Let the session expand your awareness, relaxation and receptivity. It is a different way to look at life, to let go of control, to surrender and gently relax into your whole being, and to do so in the present moment.

Price: €220 - 1.5 hours

Tantric Bodywork for Men

Tantric Bodywork is a tool that supports you in unraveling tension, discomfort, old patterns, sexual wounds and trauma. These deeply healing and empowering sessions open men to greater alignment with their unique essence as men. At varela's Secret, we create a safe space where you can feel, open and embrace your sacred kundalini energy.

Price: €260 - 2 hours