Our holistic emotional counseling sessions are person-centered conversations and creative therapy to help people who are experiencing problems in their lives.

Have you experienced a life-changing event, relationship or family problems, persistent sadness or bad mood, work-related problems or deep-seated unresolved issues? Are you feeling:

  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Tension
  • Loss
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Lack of confidence
  • Debt
  • Shame
  • Aggression

If so, we can help....

How emotional counseling works:

Our unique process encourages expressing feelings and thoughts to help you understand your truth and resolve inner turmoil in a familiar, safe and empathetic environment. We want to explore where your emotional wounds are coming from. By gently dealing with your feelings, you will be able to deal with them more effectively and effectively and ultimately, over time, move on with your life in a more positive and powerful way.

Emotional feelings...

Our work is based on the premise that our feelings influence our behavior. We look behind the symptoms you may be experiencing to identify the cause of the problem. How we react and respond to situations is dominated by how we feel about ourselves, others and our environment. Our mind protects us from further damage to our feelings and emotions that can cause emotional blocks. This repressive mechanism can make anxiety, depression, phobias, etc. Let go.

Our natural defenses protect us from hurtful feelings to protect us from pain, loss.... Human nature does not accept vulnerability, but tries to hide it and suppress the pain. Being a vulnerable person allows us to feel, understand and deal with empathy; an essential part of life. Clients suffering from hurt, loss and pain often shy away from commitment and relationships to protect themselves from rejection or abandonment. By accepting their vulnerability, clients can understand its meaning and uncover emotional blocks to enable healing.

The 'inner child'

Our early life experiences shape the adult we will become. We call this our Inner Child. Learning to accept, love and forgive past experiences is an important part of our healing journey. As we grow, we learn to hide the attacks on our personality and suppress these feelings. The key to finding positivity in life is by understanding and acknowledging the experiences of our Inner Child and learning to let go of negative feelings that arose in childhood.

Your counselor Diana is a tremendously compassionate and has a wealth of knowledge about the human condition.

Price: 30 minutes (€50)