Wake up and discover your desire.

A unique and intense massage experience.

Wake up and discover your desire.

A unique and intense massage experience.

Welcome to Varela's Secret

Varela's Secret (formerly Dunas Massage) has been an established name in tantric massages for years. Located in Tremelo, you will find complete relaxation in a unique location. Discover a special peace and energy and enjoy deep, intense tantric experiences. Learn to enjoy your body again in a positive way during a tantric healing or enjoy Varela's Conscious Touch to forget all your stress and worries.

Choose your massage or therapy

Experience the power of our massages and therapies and discover your inner peace.

Tantra healing massage

A "tantric healing massage" is a form of massage that combines principles from tantric philosophy with therapeutic techniques to promote holistic healing and well-being.

Tantric Bodywork for Men

Experience the benefits of loving touch and deep body work to help release tension from the physical body, this is self-healing and beneficial.

Therapy - Emotional counseling

Our holistic emotional counseling sessions are person-centered conversations and creative therapy to help people who are experiencing problems in their lives.

Sensual touch massage

Would you like to experience sensual touch? Embody your inner energy through the sensual touch massage.

Massage therapists

Dunes are in constant motion; they allow themselves to be shaped by the wind.
At Varela's Secret, we are the wind, helping shape your energy.
Mentally and physically, this is how we rebalance you.

Massages, Tantric healing & more.

Massages, Tantric healing

Wake up and descover your desire....

Varela's Secret